About Us
D.R.M Public School Also Known As D.R.M Public School. The School Was Established In 2011. D.R.M Public School Is A Co-Ed School Affiliated To Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) . It Is Managed By Kamalapati Tiwari Educational Society.
DRM PUBLIC School Promises To Provide The Finest Education To Your Ward. We Are Dedicated To Make And Shape The Future Of India. Our School Is Established With A Focused Dedication Towards Shaping Well-rounded Global Citizens. Our School Is One Of The Best Schools In State And Also In India. It Is One Of The Top Schools, Offering World Class Campus And Infrastructure. Click Here More...
Principal's Message
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be ! How much you can love ! What you can accomplish ! And what your potential is !” -Anne Frank We are committed to providing holistic education to the students under our care and in moulding them into learners for life. Our aim is to create curious, enquiring minds who eagerly explore ideas and concepts and can communicate them confidently and effectively. By providing them varied experiences and perspectives, we hope to develop our students into global citizens who appreciate differences and will nurture the planet and create a peaceful world. Our integration of values and morals into the everyday curriculum validates the emphasis we lay on creating principled citizens of the country. Our endeavor is to provide well-rounded education that includes academic excellence, critical thinking skills and character development. Click here more...

Director's Message
The purpose of education is not just to produce academicians but also to develop humane and sensitive citizens. D.R.M. Public School, we ensure that a congenial environment for learning is maintained while making sure that children have enough opportunities to develop their personal and interpersonal skills. Our teachers are well qualified & share a passion for teaching, thereby bringing out the best in both themselves and their students. We edify our students in classical as well as contemporary models of learning while giving them a solid foundation in cultural insights of the world. We pride ourselves on creating a culture of learning where students are free to express or share their interest in variety of fields while developing their character as well. Delayed gratification, integrity, civic consciousness and the willingness not to give up, these are the values that we seek to inculcate in our students. Click here more...
Today’s Birthday
Our Toppers
Our Facilities

Music Hall
A Well-equipped Music Hall Provides A Variety Of Instruments Including Guitars, Keyboards, Violins, Drum Sets, Harmon...

Computer Lab
The School Computer Lab Is Equipped With Latest Configured Computers Which Are Networked Through Wireless And Wired N...

The School Has A Well Stocked Library, With An Impressive Index Of Titles, Covering Both Fiction And Nonfiction, Reso...

Mr. Sabhapati Tiwari

Mr. Badrinath Tiwari

Mrs. Seema Tiwari

Mr. Tushar Tiwari
Managing Director
What Parents Say